Thursday, 26 November 2015

Kevään 2016 kertauskurssi

Ilmoittaudu kevään kertauskurssille alla olevan linkin kautta!

Stepping Stones for Better English -jatkokurssi loppuu 30.11.2015 ja kevääksi sen tilalle on tulossa kertauskurssi, jossa pääpaino suullisessa viestinnässä erilaisia aihepiirejä käsitellen. Kertaamme myös rakenteita ja kohennamme sanavarastoa:) Open materiaali. Samalla tyylillä kuin tähänkin asti:) Syksyllä 2016 aloitamme uuden kurssin uuden kirjan kera.

Pääset ilmoittautumaan tästä linkistä: Kevään kertauskurssi

Homework for 30 November 2015

Stepping Stones for Better English - jatkokurssi

This will be the last lesson of this course. The new course (kertauskurssi) will start in January 2016. Please remember to enroll in the course.

Homework: Exercise 6A and 6B on page 163 and 3A on page 179.

Activate and Improve

This course will continue in January 2016 from unit 4.

Homework: Exercise 8a on page 27 and exercise 4 on page 28-29.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Homework for Monday 23 November 2015

Stepping Stones for Better English  -jatkokurssi

Exercise 12 and 13 on page 170.

Activate and Improve

Exercise 5a on page 25.

Blake Shelton - God Gave Me You

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Third conditional - Examples in Songs

Luke Bryan - I Don't Want This Night To End

Listening exercise

New words

Silent letters - the short history

The Internet

  • How has the Internet changed the words in Finnish?
  • Do you like English words being used in Finnish? 
  • How has the Internet changed your life? 
  • What would life be like without the Internet? 
  • How does the Internet help you study English?

Next time you're stressed:

Friday, 13 November 2015

Homework for Monday 16 November 2015

Stepping Stones for Better English - jatkokurssi

Exercise 9B and 9C on page 167.

Improve and Active

Read and do "How law-abiding are you?" on pages 24-25.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Enrique Iglesias - Hero

Conditional in songs

6 Foods that make you HAPPIER;)

6 foods that make you happier

Dark chocolate - so many reasons to enjoy your dark chocolate:)))
Even thinking about dark chocolate brings a smile to my face, but research backs its happiness benefits. The antioxidants in dark chocolate can trigger the walls of your blood vessels to relax, lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. That may be why one study found that eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate daily for two weeks reduced levels of stress hormones in people who rated themselves as highly stressed. Dark chocolate also contains magnesium, a mineral that has been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms, including fatigue, depression, and irritability. Finally, dark chocolate’s unique natural substances trigger a sense of euphoria that’s similar in to the feeling of being in love! 

Avoid stress

Friday, 6 November 2015

Homework for Monday 9 November 2015

Stepping Stones for better English - jatkokurssi

Epäsuorakysymyslause handout.

Improve and Activate

Ex 6a on page 21 and 3a on page 30.