Englannin opiskelu
- English language - facts
- History of English in ten minutes
- History of the English Language
- Useful links
- Pronunciation
- DO or MAKE
- Can you read this?
- Interesting articles
- Music with lyrics
- Music videos without lyrics
- Short video clips
- sms English
- Contractions (lyhenteet)
- Irregular verbs
- British vs. American English
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Saara Aalto / X-Factor UK 26.11.2016 (With Comments)
Sam Smith - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Friday, 25 November 2016
Homework for 28 November 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 6A on page 62 and exercise 6C on page 63.
Activate and improve 2
The handout on tenses.
Exercise 6A on page 62 and exercise 6C on page 63.
Activate and improve 2
The handout on tenses.
Xmas shopping listening
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Roxette: Listen To Your Heart.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
The X Factor UK 2016 Live Shows Week 7 Saara Aalto Just the Intro & Judges Comments
Friday, 18 November 2016
Homework for Monday 21 November 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 6 on page 48 and exercise 3D on page 57
Activate and improve 2
The handout on tenses: 10 first sentences.
Exercise 6 on page 48 and exercise 3D on page 57
Activate and improve 2
The handout on tenses: 10 first sentences.
Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Dirty Dancing - Time of my Life (Final Dance)
Friday, 11 November 2016
Homework for Monday 14 November 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercsise 4 on page 46 and 1A on page 54.
Activate and improve 2
Exercise 4a on page 75.
Exercsise 4 on page 46 and 1A on page 54.
Activate and improve 2
Exercise 4a on page 75.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
The X Factor's Saara Aalto On Surviving The Sing-Off | Lorraine
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
P!nk ft Nate Ruess - Just give me a reason LIVE - Just give me a reason
Friday, 4 November 2016
Homework for Monday 7 November 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 8 and 9 on page 37.
Improve and activate 2
Grammar handouts on tenses and passive voice.
Exercise 8 and 9 on page 37.
Improve and activate 2
Grammar handouts on tenses and passive voice.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Bob Dylan: Knockin' on Heaven's Door "Original"
Why do we keep some things?
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Homework for Monday 31 October 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 5A and 5C on page 34.
Activate and improve 2
Read the text "And the Oscar goes to..." on page 73 and do exercise 2b and 3 on page 72.
Exercise 5A and 5C on page 34.
Activate and improve 2
Read the text "And the Oscar goes to..." on page 73 and do exercise 2b and 3 on page 72.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Memorable Oscar® moment - Russell Crowe's speech
Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow ft. Maggie Reilly
as, like, such as, so, such
Friday, 21 October 2016
Homework for Monday 24 October 2016
Welcome back from the autumn break:)
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 2C on page 27.
Activate and improve 2
Exercise 3a on page 78
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 2C on page 27.
Activate and improve 2
Exercise 3a on page 78
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Homework for Monday 10 October 2016
Please note that this is our last lesson before our autumn break.
Stepping Stones 2
Ex 10 and 11 on page 19
Activate and improve 2
Ex 3 on page 70
Stepping Stones 2
Ex 10 and 11 on page 19
Activate and improve 2
Ex 3 on page 70
Friday, 7 October 2016
David Crystal - How is the internet changing language today?
Foreigner - 'I Want To Know What Love Is'
Friday, 30 September 2016
Homework for Monday 3 October 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Ex 7A on page 15 and ex 7C on page 16.
Improve and activate 2
Ex 8a on page 67.
Ex 7A on page 15 and ex 7C on page 16.
Improve and activate 2
Ex 8a on page 67.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
George Michael Careless Whisper
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Homework for 26 Monday September 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 6B on page 13 and the furniture handout (ask for it in the class if you were absent last time)
Activate and improve 2
Handouts on money vocabulary and prepositions. See handouts below.
Exercise 6B on page 13 and the furniture handout (ask for it in the class if you were absent last time)
Activate and improve 2
Handouts on money vocabulary and prepositions. See handouts below.
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
How to make extra cash?
Friday, 16 September 2016
Homework for Monday 19 September 2016
Stepping Stones 2
Exercise 4A and 4B on page 11.
Activate and Improve 2
Exercise 1a on page 64.
Exercise 4A and 4B on page 11.
Activate and Improve 2
Exercise 1a on page 64.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Saturday, 10 September 2016
English courses start on Monday 12 September 2016!
Stepping Stones 2
Place: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Time: Monday: 17.30-19.00
Activate and improve your English 2
Place: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Time: Monday: 19.00-20.30
Place: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Time: Monday: 17.30-19.00
Activate and improve your English 2
Place: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Time: Monday: 19.00-20.30

Friday, 9 September 2016
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
10 effective ways to improve your English

Monday, 1 August 2016
when you say nothing at all- Ronan Keating
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Lukuvuoden 2016-2017 englannin kurssit
Lukuvuoden 2016-17 kurssit avautuvat ilmoittautumisia varten to 9.6.2016 klo 11.00.
Tällä puhumiseen kannustavalla keskitason kurssilla painotamme puhetaitoa. Teemme paljon erilaisia keskusteluharjoituksia. Vahvistamme englannin rakenteiden hallintaa, laajennamme sanavarastoa sekä kohennamme kuunteluvalmiutta. Käytännönläheiset aiheet mm. kotiseutu, opiskelu ja työelämä, uutiset, kulttuuri ja kansalaistoiminta. Oppikirjana Stepping Stones 2. Ilmoittautuminen 7.9. mennessä.
Opettaja: FM Kristiina Latvanen
Opetuspaikka: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Päivä ja kello: Ma: 17.30-19.00
Syyslukukausi: 12.9.2016 - 28.11.2016 (22 oppituntia)
Kevätlukukausi: 9.1.2017 - 3.4.2017 (24 oppituntia)
Opetuspaikka: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Päivä ja kello: Ma: 17.30-19.00
Syyslukukausi: 12.9.2016 - 28.11.2016 (22 oppituntia)
Kevätlukukausi: 9.1.2017 - 3.4.2017 (24 oppituntia)
Ylemmän keskitason jatkokurssi sinulle, joka haluat kohentaa ja aktivoida englannin kielen taitoasi. Painotamme erityisesti puhetaitoa ja keskustelemme vaihtelevista aiheista sekä ajankohtaista tapahtumista. Lisäksi kohennamme kuunteluvalmiutta ja laajennamme sanastoa. Kertaamme ja syvennämme kielen keskeisiä rakenteita valikoiden. Oppikirjana face2face Upper Intermediate Student’s book (second edition) kappaleesta 8 eteenpäin. Ilmoittautuminen 7.9. mennessä.
Opettaja: FM Kristiina Latvanen
Opettaja: FM Kristiina Latvanen
Opetuspaikka: Urheilukatu 7-9, 04400 Järvenpää
Päivä ja kello: Ma: 19.00-20.30
Syyslukukausi: 12.9.2016 - 28.11.2016 (22 oppituntia)
Kevätlukukausi: 9.1.2017 - 3.4.2017 (24 oppituntia)
Päivä ja kello: Ma: 19.00-20.30
Syyslukukausi: 12.9.2016 - 28.11.2016 (22 oppituntia)
Kevätlukukausi: 9.1.2017 - 3.4.2017 (24 oppituntia)
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Ilmoittautuminen ensi lukuvuoden kursseille
Lukuvuoden 2016-17 kurssit avautuvat ilmoittautumisia varten to 9.6.2016 klo 11.00.
Lukuvuoden 2016-17 kurssit avautuvat ilmoittautumisia varten to 9.6.2016 klo 11.00.
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Homework for Monday 18 April 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Next Monday is our last meeting this spring. Do the handouts on homophones and tenses (ask in the class). Also translate into English:
1. Useimmat ihmiset haluaisivat nähdä Rooman.
2. Suurin osa ihmistä uskoo ihmeisiin.
3. Eräs vanha ystäväni kertoi mitä ihmeellisimmän tarinan.
Next Monday is our last meeting this spring. Do the handouts on homophones and tenses (ask in the class). Also translate into English:
1. Useimmat ihmiset haluaisivat nähdä Rooman.
2. Suurin osa ihmistä uskoo ihmeisiin.
3. Eräs vanha ystäväni kertoi mitä ihmeellisimmän tarinan.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Tell me about your summer vacation
Friday, 8 April 2016
Homework for Monday 11 April 2016
Kertauskurssi -kohti keskitasoa
Do the handout on hobbies (see below) and prepositions (ask for the handout in the class). Translate into English:
1. Bändi on ollut kiertueella vuoden.
2. Olisin mennyt konserttiin, jos olisin saanut liput.
3. Mika Waltari on kirjoittanut kymmeniä romaaneja.
Activate and improve - ylemmän keskitason kurssi
Do the handout on prepositions.
Do the handout on hobbies (see below) and prepositions (ask for the handout in the class). Translate into English:
1. Bändi on ollut kiertueella vuoden.
2. Olisin mennyt konserttiin, jos olisin saanut liput.
3. Mika Waltari on kirjoittanut kymmeniä romaaneja.
Activate and improve - ylemmän keskitason kurssi
Do the handout on prepositions.
Fast discussion - holiday
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Homework for Monday 4 April 2016
Hope you all had a nice Easter break. It's spring and the sun is shining:) What a great feeling! Just to remind you all: Kertauskurssi will meet three times and Improve and Activate course twice before our summer break.
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Sentences to translate into English:
1. Rakastan kotitöitä. Minusta ne ovat rentouttavia.
2. Japanilaiset tulevat Suomeen katsomaan poroja ja kalastamaan lohia.
3. Nuo uutiset eivät yllätä ketään.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 6a on page 49.
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Sentences to translate into English:
1. Rakastan kotitöitä. Minusta ne ovat rentouttavia.
2. Japanilaiset tulevat Suomeen katsomaan poroja ja kalastamaan lohia.
3. Nuo uutiset eivät yllätä ketään.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 6a on page 49.
Friday, 1 April 2016
OneRepublic: Counting stars
Listening: Family hiking
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Homework for Monday 21 March 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Do the handouts on telephone conversation and passive voice. Also translate the following sentences into English:
1. Mitä olet puuhastellut viime aikoina?
3. Oletko menossa salille tällä viikolla?
3. Mitä olit tekemässä kun senaattori Obama valittiin USA:n presidentiksi?
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
Read the text on page 48-49 "What are we like?" and do exercise 2b and 2c. Do also the handout on prepositions.
Do the handouts on telephone conversation and passive voice. Also translate the following sentences into English:
1. Mitä olet puuhastellut viime aikoina?
3. Oletko menossa salille tällä viikolla?
3. Mitä olit tekemässä kun senaattori Obama valittiin USA:n presidentiksi?
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
Read the text on page 48-49 "What are we like?" and do exercise 2b and 2c. Do also the handout on prepositions.
Friday, 18 March 2016
I just call to say I love you by Steve Wonder
Telephone conversation (office phone)
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Homework for Monday 14 March 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Ask for the handout on emotions in the class. Translate into English:
1. Kunpa olisin tavannut hänet aikaisemmin.
2. Minkälaista suomalaista ruokaa suosittelet?
3. Koko viikon on satanut lunta.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 5 b on page 51 and 2a and b on page 54.
Ask for the handout on emotions in the class. Translate into English:
1. Kunpa olisin tavannut hänet aikaisemmin.
2. Minkälaista suomalaista ruokaa suosittelet?
3. Koko viikon on satanut lunta.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 5 b on page 51 and 2a and b on page 54.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Homework for Monday 7 March 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Do the handout on health problems (see file below) and translate the sentences below from Finnish into English.
1. Katson joka päivä Emmerdalea televisiosta, mutten ole koskaan katsonut Midsomer Murdersia.
2. Matkustin viime kesänä Skotlantiin hyvän ystäväni kanssa, mutta hän oli ollut siellä monta kertaa aikaisemmin.
3. Lueskelin kiinnostavaa kirjaa kello yhteen eräänä yönä.
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
No homework.
Do the handout on health problems (see file below) and translate the sentences below from Finnish into English.
1. Katson joka päivä Emmerdalea televisiosta, mutten ole koskaan katsonut Midsomer Murdersia.
2. Matkustin viime kesänä Skotlantiin hyvän ystäväni kanssa, mutta hän oli ollut siellä monta kertaa aikaisemmin.
3. Lueskelin kiinnostavaa kirjaa kello yhteen eräänä yönä.
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
No homework.
Health problems vocabulary
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Healthy lifestyle - listening
Happiness can break your heart too
Friday, 26 February 2016
Homework for Monday 28 February 2016
Kertauskurssi -kohti keskitasoa
Do the handouts on tenses (pluskvamperfekti / imperfekti) and articles. Sorry, there aren't any files on those. Ask for them in the class on Monday. You can also read the handout on love idioms. See the handout below.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Read the handout on love idioms below. Do exercise 3a on page 41
Do the handouts on tenses (pluskvamperfekti / imperfekti) and articles. Sorry, there aren't any files on those. Ask for them in the class on Monday. You can also read the handout on love idioms. See the handout below.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Read the handout on love idioms below. Do exercise 3a on page 41
Thursday, 25 February 2016
It's never too late to...

Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Friday, 12 February 2016
Homework for Monday 15 February 2016
Kertauskurssi - Kohti keskitasoa
Do the handouts on tenses (perfekti) and Shrove Tuesday. I'm sorry, but there aren't any files on these:( Ask for the handouts in the class on Monday.
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 2a and 2b on page 40 and 6a on page 43.
Do the handouts on tenses (perfekti) and Shrove Tuesday. I'm sorry, but there aren't any files on these:( Ask for the handouts in the class on Monday.
Activate and Improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 2a and 2b on page 40 and 6a on page 43.
Urban Wildlife - Hedgehogs
Valentine's Day facts
Bee Gees: How deep is your love
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Homework for Monday 8 February 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
Exercise "At the hotel reception" in the hotel handout and tense exercise on Marilyn. Write the sentences in English. See the handouts below.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 4a on page 47.
Exercise "At the hotel reception" in the hotel handout and tense exercise on Marilyn. Write the sentences in English. See the handouts below.
Activate and improve - ylempi keskitaso
Exercise 4a on page 47.
Friday, 5 February 2016
at the restaurant
Imperfektin säännöt (kertauskurssi)
The benefits of owning a pet
Imperfekti (kertauskurssi)
Hotels (kertauskurssi)
Travel vocabulary
Monday, 1 February 2016
Hotel booking and checking
Friday, 29 January 2016
Homework for Monday 1 February 2016
Kertauskurssi - kohti keskitasoa
The handouts on travel vocabulary and the text with travel idioms. See the handouts below.
Activate and improve your English
Exercise 7 on page 33 and the handout on homophones. See the handout below.
The handouts on travel vocabulary and the text with travel idioms. See the handouts below.
Activate and improve your English
Exercise 7 on page 33 and the handout on homophones. See the handout below.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Handout for Activate and improve (homophones)
Handout for Kertauskurssi (idioms on travel)
Handout for Kertauskurssi (travel vocabulary)
Carbon footprints - fast facts
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Homework for Monday 25 January 2016
If you have time and energy, you could do the following exercises for Monday's lesson:)
Englannin kertauskurssi (kohti keskitasoa)
Do the handouts on tenses and the facts about Finland. See these handouts below this post.
Activate and Improve (keskitaso)
Do exercise 1 a on page 32 and exercise 2 a and b on page 34.
Englannin kertauskurssi (kohti keskitasoa)
Do the handouts on tenses and the facts about Finland. See these handouts below this post.
Activate and Improve (keskitaso)
Do exercise 1 a on page 32 and exercise 2 a and b on page 34.
Friday, 22 January 2016
All Of Me - John Legend & Lindsey Stirling
Tenses (handout for kertauskurssi)
Finland (handout for kertauskurssi)
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Air travel -listening
Mary Higgins Clark - the queen of suspense
Monday, 18 January 2016
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Homework for Improve and activate course
Hi! The course started last Monday! So, if you missed the class and want to do your homework, turn to page 38 and do exercise 3a.
Why is English so much fun?

Monday, 11 January 2016
Activate and improve course begins today 11 January 2016!!!
Saturday, 9 January 2016
New year's resolutions

Monday, 4 January 2016
Adele _ When We Were Young
Sunday, 3 January 2016
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