Wednesday, 20 March 2024

HOMEWORK for Monday 26 March 2024

 Read a short story using this link. See the words to be explained below.


1.     Do you believe in ghosts?

2.     Have you ever seen a ghost?

3.     Do you believe people who claim that they have seen a ghost?

4.     Do you believe that houses can be haunted? Have you ever been to one?

5.     Do you believe your ancestors are watching you?

6.     What are some superstitions?

7.     What are some things that are considered unlucky?

8.     What are some things that are considered lucky?

9.     Do you read your horoscope? If so, do you believe it?

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

HOMEWORK for Monday 11 March 2024

Read a short story called Driftwood using this link. It is with audio, so you can also listen to it. Answer these questions:

    1.    What was Jim's first reaction, when the lights went out?
    2.    How did he think the dogs had got into the garden?
    3.    Why did Jim decide to go over to the dunes?
    4.    Why did he not take a torch with him?
    5.    What did he see beyond the dunes, when he got to the top?
    6.    Why did Tom come over to the Dunes?
    7.    How did Tom know that Jim was on the Dunes?
    8.    Why did the two men go back to Jim's house?
    9.    What did they do when they got there?
    10.    What happened to the Dutch barque mentioned by Tom?


The words to be explained:

Friday, 1 March 2024