Wednesday 31 October 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - seventh meeting

Yksi aiheemme tänään oli Famous Finns. Kertasimme myös vuodenaikoja ja kuukausia. Homework: teht. 14, s. 25 ja teht. 17 s. 27

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - seventh meeting

One of our topics today was small talk. We also did some picture dictation and listened to music. Homework: do exercise 13 on page 19 and translate these sentences into English:

1.  Aion matkustaa Englantiin ensi kesänä. Siksi opiskelen englantia joka keskiviikko aikuisopistossa.
2. Olin ystäväni kanssa elokuvissa viikonloppuna. Katsoimme uusimman James Bond elokuvan.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - eighth meeting

Our theme today was falling in love. We listened to Elvis and discussed love. Homework: do exercise 4 on page 24 and read about Romeo and Juliet on page 26-27 and do exercises 3 and 4.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - eighth meeting

One of our topics today was theme parks. We also revised some pronouns (relatiivipronominit) and listened to Tom Jones. Homework: do the grammar handout (relatiivipronominit) and the body parts handout.

Monday 29 October 2012

Practice makes perfect - eighth meeting

One of our topics today was medical problems. We also revised question words and did some grammar exercises. Homework: Read about William Shakespeare on page 49 and answer the questions (handout) and do the question words handout.

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - eighth meeting

One of our topics today was the US presidential election. We also revised articles. Homework do exercise 3 on page 79.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Autumn break

Remember there are no English classes next week because we are on autumn break.

Improve your English - seventh meeting

Today we discussed Prince Charles and freetime activities and revised past simple (imperfekti), among other things.  Homework: read about Vincent Van Gogh on page 23 and do the handout with questions about him and grammar exercises on the other side. There is no class next week because of the autumn break.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - seventh meeting

Today we discussed films and filmstars and also listened to "Tragedy and romance" (p. 46-47). Homework: do the grammar handout (imperfekti/kestoimperfekti) and read about William Shakespeare on page 49. If you need the handout, pls email me.  No class next week, because of the autumn break.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - sixth meeting

Jatkoimme there is / there are -rakennetehtäviä esim. kuvasanelun muodossa. Kertasimme myös prepositioita ja teimme kuuntelutehtävän. Homework: teht. 6, s. 21 ja teht. 10, s. 23. Ei tuntia ensi viikolla, koska on syysloma.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - sixth meeting

We did different exercises like listening to music and a picture dictation, among other things. Homework: do exercise 14 on page 20. No class next week, because of the autumn break.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate - seventh meeting

Today we discussed freetime activities and revised past simple (imperfekti), among other things.  Homework: read about Vincent Van Gogh on page 23 and do the handout with question about him and grammar exercises on the other side. There is no class next week because of the autumn break.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - seventh meeting

Today we did some listening exercises and practised grammar, among other things. Homework: do exercise 19 on page 131. There is no class next week because of the autumn break. See you on the 30th of October.

Monday 15 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - seventh meeting

We discussed the Internet and what people do on the net. We also read an article about how the Queen's English is colonising America and listened to Prince Charles' speech at the Diamond Jubilee. Homework: do exercise Spoken English (yellow box) on page 81.  No class next week, because of the autumn break.

Practice makes perfect - seventh meeting

Today we discussed films and listened to "Tragedy and romance" (p. 46-47).  We also heard an interesting travel presentation given by one of our students. Thank you! Homework: do the grammar handout (imperfekti/kestoimperfekti). If you need the handout, pls email me.  No class next week, because of the autumn break.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Improve your English - sixth meeting

We continued with our topic about working life.  We learnt "who earns how much". We also listened to Prince Charles' speech at the Diamond Jubilee and Tom Jones' performance there. Homework: Read about Prince Charles on page 18-19 and do exercise 4.

Practise makes perfect (Kerava) - sixth meeting

Our new topic today was shopping. We also did grammar exercises about the past simple (imperfekti) and will carry on with it next time. Homework: do exercise b on page 35 and exercise 10 on page 39.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - fifth meeting

Kerrattiin Euroopan maita, erilaisia paikkoja (Step 2, s. 18-21) sekä kerrottiin, mitä missäkin on (rakenne: there is / there are). Homework: s. 20, kerro Suomesta käyttäen there is / there are -rakennetta, esim. There are many lakes in Central Finland, There is a castle in Savonlinna.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - fifth meeting

Our topic today was changes (p.16-17) and we practised telling what we are going to do. We also did some past simple (imperfekti) grammar exercises. Homework: read the text on page 17 and do exercise 10 on page 18. Read the irregular verbs from stand to think in your old book on page 185.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - sixth meeting

We continued with our topic about working life.  We learnt "who earns how much". We also listened to Prince Charles' speech at the Diamond Jubilee. Homework: Read about Prince Charles on page 18-19 and do exercise 4.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - sixth meeting

Our star today was Meryl Streep. We listened to her and read about her. We also did some grammar exercises. Homework: exercise 17 (6-9) on page 130 and the grammar handout (perfekti). Pls email me if you need the handout.

Monday 8 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - sixth meeting

We continued with our old topic about social conscience and did some grammar exercises about conditional clauses. We also started a new topic: money, and we'll carry on with it next time. Homework: do the handout about money. If you need the handout, pls email me.

Practice makes perfect - sixth meeting

Our new topic today was shopping. We also did grammar exercises about the past simple (imperfekti) and will carry on with it next time. Homework: do exercise b on page 35 and exercise 10 on page 39.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Improve your English - fifth meeting

We continued our theme about jobs and we practised passive voice. Do the passive exercise in your old handout (preesensmoniste) and exercise 8 on page 17.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - fifth meeting

We talked about different food, for example British breakfast and Sunday roast. We revised articles (a, an, the). Homework: do the handout about articles (artikkelimoniste) and exercise b) on page 33. If you need the handout, please email me.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - fourth meeting

Teimme tänään kuunteluharjoituksia, kerroimme itsestämme sekä kertasimme kieltomuotoja (don't ja doesn't) ja numeroita. Homework: s. 15, teht. 16 ja 17.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - fourth meeting

Our topic today was "greeting and meeting people" (Step 1). Homework: do exercise 4 on page 15.  And read irregular verbs from sing to spread (6 verbs) on page 185 in your old Passport to English 2 book.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - fifth meeting

We continued our theme about jobs and we practised passive voice. Do the passive exercise in your old handout (preesensmoniste) and exercise 8 on page 17.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - fifth meeting

We discussed films and did a questionnaire about films. Homework: do the handout about Meryl Streep. If you need the handout, email me.

Monday 1 October 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - fifth meeting

We discussed bullying (unit 9) and read about Billy who was bullied at school. We also had a little discussion on social conscience. We revised conditional clauses. Do the handout about conditional clauses (konditionaalimoniste). If you need the handout, please email me.

Practice makes perfect - fifth meeting

We talked about different food, for example British breakfast and Sunday roast. We revised articles (a, an, the). Homework: do the handout about articles (artikkelimoniste). If you need the handout, please email me.