Friday 30 November 2012

Kevään 2013 englannin kurssien alkamispäivät

Järvenpään Opisto:

Practice makes perfect - englannin perusteiden kertauskurssi: ma 7.1.2013
Activate your English/Upper English Intermediate (New Headway Intermediate jatkokurssi): ma 7.1.2013

Englanti 5 (Steps 3): ti 8.1.2013
New Headway Intermediate peruskurssi: ti 8.1.2013

Mäntsälän Kansalaisopisto:

Steps 3: ke 9.1.2013
Steps 2: ke 9.1.2013

Keravan Opisto:

Syksyn kursseille osallistuneet voivat ilmoittautua keväällä 2013 jatkuville kursseille jo ke 12.12.2012 klo 11.00 alkaen ja ainostaan netin kautta. Kurssit näkyvät opiston nettisivuilla ke 5.12.2012 alkaen.
Huom!!! 8.1.2013 alkaen voit ilmoittautua myös puhelimitse tai käymällä toimistossa aina loppiaiseen asti.

Practice makes perfect -englannin perusteiden kertaus: to 17.1.2013
Improve your English (keskitason peruskurssi): to 17.1.2013

Thursday 29 November 2012

Improve your English (Kerava) - twelfth meeting

Today was our last meeting before Christmas and therefore we discussed Christmas and listened to some Christmas music. We also did some tricky preposition exercises.  Homework: do exercise 5 on page 36.

Have a nice Christmas holiday!

The course will continue on the 17th of January 2013. 

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - twelfth meeting

Today was our last meeting before Christmas. Therefore our main topic was Christmas. We also did some grammar exercises (perfekti). Homework: do the handout (perfekti). 

Have a nice Christmas holiday!

The course will continue on the 17th of January 2013!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - twelfth meeting

Aiheemme tänään oli joulu joulusanoineen ja musiikkineen. Kertasimme myös adjektiivien vertailua. Homework: s. 44, lue teksti 20, s. 54, teht. 8 (keskimmäinen tehtävä), ja s. 55, teht. 10.

Kurssi jatkuu 9.1.2013. Merry Christmas everybody!

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - twelfth meeting

Our topic today was Christmas with Xmas words and music. We also did some exercises on questions. Homework: do exercise 15 on page 33 and read the story about Marilyn Monroe (handout) and answer the questions.

The course will continue on the 9th of January 2013. Have a nice Christmas holiday!

Tuesday 27 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - twelfth meeting

We discussed Christmas and listened to some Christmas music. We also did some tricky preposition exercises.  Homework: do exercise 5 on page 36.

The course will continue on the 8th of January 2013. Have a nice Xmas holiday!

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - twelfth meeting

Our topic today was Christmas and we also read what a young Englishman Simon thought about Finns.
Homework: do exercise 20 on page 147.

The course will continue on the 8th of January 2013. Have a nice Christmas holiday!

Monday 26 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - twelfth meeting

Today was our last meeting before Christmas and we discussed mainly Xmas issues.

This course will continue under the name "Activate your English" on the 7th of January 2013. We will have a new study book called New Inside Out - Upper intermediate Student's Book by Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones (publisher: MacMillan). Homework: Do the handout about prepositions.

Have a nice Xmas holiday! See you on the 7th of January 2013!

Practice makes perfect - twelfth meeting

Our main topic today was Christmas. We also did some grammar exercises (perfekti). Homework: do the handout (perfekti).

Have a nice Christmas holiday! See you on the 7th of January 2013!

Thursday 22 November 2012

Improve your English (Kerava) - eleventh meeting

We discussed rules and laws and compared some laws in Britain with laws in Finland. We also read some proverbs and listened to Elvis. Homework: do exercises 3 and 4 on page 32.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - eleventh meeting

One of our topics today was giving directions. We also did some grammar exercises on adjectives. Homework: do the handout about adjectives and the old handout about prepositions.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - tenth meeting

We read about Sara and her life abroad. We also revised was/were verbs and listened to Frank Sinatra.
Homework: read the text on page 32 and do exercise 14 on page 33.

Translate these sentences into English:
1. Lauantaiaamuna soitin ystävälleni ja päätimme mennä sauvakävelemään,  koska sää oli aivan loistava.
2. Illalla olin pikkujoulujuhlissa työkavereideni kanssa. Juhlissa esiintyi kuuluisa suomalainen artisti.

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - tenth meeting

Aiheenamme oli ammatit ja työpaikat. Teimme adjektiivivertailuja sekä kertasimme there is / there are -rakennetta. Homework: s. 42, teht. 15 ja s.54 kysymyssanat (sivun alalaidassa) sekä teht. 9, s. 55.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - eleventh meeting

We discussed rules and laws and compared some laws in Britain with laws in Finland. We also read some proverbs and listened to Elvis. Homework: do exercise 4 on page 32.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - eleventh meeting

Today, among other things, we did a questionnaire about what kind of people we are and we learned some useful adjectives. Homework: read the text on page 144-145 and do exercise 19 on page 146.

Monday 19 November 2012

Practice makes perfect - eleventh meeting

One of our topics today was giving directions. We also did some grammar exercises on adjectives and listened to music. Homework: do the handout about adjectives and the old handout about prepositions.

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - eleventh meeting

Our main topic today was the press. We listened to an interview about a celebrity who told about his relationship with the press. We also discussed heroes and heroines a little. Homework: exercise 3 on page 89 and exercise 2 on page 101.

Friday 16 November 2012

Ilmoittautuminen Keravan opiston kevätkursseille

Englannin perusteiden kertaus - Practice makes perfect  ja Improve your English -englannin keskitason kurssi

Syksyn kursseille osallistuneet voivat ilmoittautua keväällä 2013 jatkuville kursseille jo ke 12.12.2012 klo 11.00 alkaen ja ainostaan netin kautta. Kurssit näkyvät opiston nettisivuilla ke 5.12.2012 alkaen.

Huom!!! 8.1.2013 alkaen voit ilmoittautua myös puhelimitse tai käymällä toimistossa aina loppiaiseen asti.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Improve your English (Kerava) - tenth meeting

One of our topics was rules for life  and we listed some very good ideas/rules for a happy life. We also did some exercises on homophones and modal verbs. Homework: do exercise 3 on page 29 and exercise 1 on page 31.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - tenth meeting

Today's topic was hotel reservations. We read chapter 4 A room for one, please and did a listening exercise about hotel reservation. Homework: do exercise 5 on page 52 and the second  part of the prepositions handout.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - ninth meeting

Tänään aiheenamme oli erilaiset ammatit. Teimme luku- ja kuuntelutehtäviä. Homework: s. 39, teht. 9 ja s. 40, teht. 10 loppuun.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - ninth meeting

We discussed how we learn languages and listened to some people telling about their learning experiences. Homework: read text on page 27-28 and do exercise 8 on page 29.

Sentences to translate:
1. Aloitin jouluvalmistelut viikonloppuna. Leivoin pipareita ja hedelmäkakun.
2. Lauantaina olin ostoksilla Jumbossa. Ostin muutamia joululahjoja perheelleni.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - tenth meeting

One of our topics was different feelings. We also listened to some music and did grammar exercises. Homework: Read the text on page 140 and do the exercise 11 on page 141.

New Headway Intermediate - tenth meeting

One of our topics was rules for life  and we listed some very good ideas/rules for a happy life. We also did some exercises on homophones and modal verbs. Homework: do exercise 3 on page 29 and exercise 1 on page 31.

Monday 12 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - tenth meeting

We discussed some interesting statements whether they were fact or fiction and some of facts surprised us a little bit. We also started a new topic about newspapers. Homework: do exercise 3 on page 87 and the handout about newspapers.

Practice makes perfect - tenth meeting

Our topic today was hotel reservations. We read chapter 4 A room for one, please and did a listening exercise about hotel reservation. Homework: exercise 5 on page 52 and the first part of the prepositions handout.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Improve your English - ninth meeting

We continued with our topic about love. We discussed the factors for a successful relationshipWe also looked at homophones (words that sound the same). Do exercise 3 and 4 on page 25 and the handout about love and relationships.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - ninth meeting

We started our new topic travelling with some music and discussion. Homework: do exercise 4 on page 52.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - eighth meeting

Aloitimme uuden stepsin; What a job!. Kertasimme ammatteja ja teimme kuuntelutehtävän (s. 34-36). Homework: sivu 29, tehtävä 19 ja sivu 34 tehtävä 1.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - eighth meeting

We started a new topic Live and learn. We also did an exercise about prepositions and listened to Roy Orbison. Homework: do exercise 2 and 3 on page 25 and exercise 4 (verbs) on page 26.

Sentences to translate:
1. Hyvä ystäväni vieraili luonani lauantaina. Meillä oli todella hauskaa.
2. Sunnuntaina vietimme isänpäivää. Nautimme herkullisen päivällisen kiinalaisessa ravintolassa.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - ninth meeting

We continued with our topic about love. We discussed the factors for a successful relationshipWe also looked at homophones (words that sound the same). Do exercise 3 on page 25 and the handout about love and relationships.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - ninth meeting

We started a new topic: everyone's different (Step 8) and we discussed looks. Homework: do the handout about prepositions. And exercise 4 on page 137.  If you need the handout, please email me.

Monday 5 November 2012

New Headway Intermediate (jatko) - ninth meeting

One of our topics today was modern gadgets and we listened to an interview about technology addiction and  possible health issues. Homework: do exercise 7, 8 and 9 on page 80 and exercise 1 on page 86.

Practice makes perfect - ninth meeting

We started our new topic travelling with some music and discussion. Homework: do exercise 4 on page 52.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Improve your English - eighth meeting

Our theme today was falling in love. We listened to Elvis and discussed love. Homework: do exercise 4 on page 24 and read about Romeo and Juliet on page 26-27 and do exercises 3 and 4.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - eighth meeting

One of our topics today was medical problems. We also revised question words and did some grammar exercises. Homework: do exercise 11 on page 58  and the handout about question words.