Thursday 31 January 2013

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - third meeting

One of our topics today was the Queen Mother. We also did exercises on verb tenses and different sounds. Homework: do exercise 5 on page 98 and exercise 13 on page 107.

Improve your English - third meeting

Today we discussed what kind of changes we could make to get the feel-good factor for us and the planet. We also did some prefix and suffix exercises and listened to Neil Young.

Homework: Sentences to translate:

1. Olen aina rakastanut kirjoja. Nuoruudessani minulla oli tapana lukea kirja yhdeltä istumalta.
2. Nyt olen intohimoinen kirjakerhon jäsen. Kirjakerhomme kokoontuu joka toinen lauantai ja keskustelemme lukemastamme kirjasta. 

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - fourth meeting

Teimme tänään muun muassa suullisia imperfektiharjoituksia sekä muistikuvaselityksiä. Homework: s. 65, lue epäsäännölliset verbit (sininen laatikko), tee imperfektimoniste.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - fourth meeting

We read the text about Terry and Julia who live in the countryside. We also did some memory card exercises and listened to CCR. Homework: exercise 11 on page 48 and the grammar exercise about the Beatles (handout).

Sentences to translate:
1. Aion remontoida keittiömme ensi kesänä, sillä nykyinen keittiömme on epäkäytännöllinen ja vanhanaikainen
2. Olen kiinnostunut sisustamisesta. Luen paljon sisustuslehtiä ja sisustusblogeja.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - fourth meeting

We discussed what matters most to people (and me) and listened to a few people telling about their closest relatives. We also did some exercises on prefixes. Do exercise 3 on page 52.

Homework: Sentences to translate:

1. Olen aina rakastanut kirjoja. Nuoruudessani minulla oli tapana lukea kirja yhdeltä istumalta.
2. Nyt olen intohimoinen kirjakerhon jäsen. Kirjakerhomme kokoontuu joka toinen lauantai ja keskustelemme lukemastamme kirjasta. 

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - fourth meeting

One of our topics today was holiday homes. We also revised tenses and listened to music. Homework: do the handout on British and American English words.

Sentences to translate:
1. Meillä on loma-asunto Keski-Suomessa. Se on  järven rannalla.
2. Vietämme siellä kaksi viikkoa joka kesä.
3. Lomalla haluan rentoutua rannalla. Yleensä menen Espanjaan.
4. Nautin merestä, palmupuista ja rantakahviloista. Se on unelmalomani.

Monday 28 January 2013

Upper English Intermediate - fourth meeting

Our new topic today was Generations (unit 2) and we discussed what events are important for people at different stages of life. We also learnt about idioms on clothing and revised indirect questions. Homework: read the text on page 15 and do exercises 2, 3 and 4 on page 14.

Practice makes perfect (Järvenpää) - fourth meeting

Today we discussed the skills and experiences needed in today's working life and did some tense exercises. Homework: read the text about Princess Diana (handout) and do exercise 13 on page 107.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - second meeting

One of your topics today was family and we talked about the royal family and watched a short video clip on the Royal wedding in 2011. We also did a pronunciation exercise on different s-sounds. Homework: Read the text about the Queen mother on page 92-93 and answer the questions (handout) and do the grammar handout. If you don't have the handouts, please email me.

Improve your English - second meeting

One of our topics today was the weather around the world. We also discussed some predictions for the future and listened to music. Special thanks for Marita for doing the music task for us. Homework: read the text "Life in 2060" on page 42 and 43 and do exercises 3,4 and 5.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - third meeting

Tänään kertoilimme mitä teimme eilen ja mitä emme tehneet ja tutustuimme muutamiin epäsäännöllisiin imperfektimuotoihin. Homework: tehtävä 11, s. 64 (kirjoita verbien puuttuvat imperfektimuodot) ja lue teksti 13, s. 65 ja tee tehtävä 14, s. 66.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - third meeting

Today we talked about homes and furniture. We also revised some grammar (genetiivi) and listened to music. Homework: do exercise 9 on page 47 and read the text on page 48-49 and do exercise 13 on page 49.

Sentences to translate:

1. Asun kumppanini kanssa paritalossa pienessä kaupungissa. Alakerrassa on olohuone ja avokeittiö. Yläkerrassa on kaksi makuuhuonetta ja kylpyhuone.
1. Minun lempipaikkani kotona on makuuhuone. Se on avara ja siellä on ihana suuri parisänky täynnä tyynyjä.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - third meeting

One of our topics today was predicting the future. We also revised future tenses and listened to Neil Young. Homework: do the handout about future tenses. If you don't have the handout, please email me.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - third meeting

We talked about natural disasters like floods and read a text about Nancy and Suzanne. We also revised tenses.  Homework: do exercise 10 on page 160.

Homework: Sentences to translate into English:

1. Olin Itävallassa lomalla viime talvena, koska olin aina halunnut nähdä Alpit.

2. Matka oli hyvin organisoitu ja opas tiesi kaiken Alpeista.
3. Ensi kesänä aion matkustaa Lontooseen, koska haluan käydä Madame Tussauds:ssa (vahakapinetti).
4. Minne sinä haluaisit matkustaa?

Monday 21 January 2013

Upper English Intermediate - third meeting

One of our topics today was images. We listened to an interview with Madonna and read a text about this pop icon, who is brilliant at selling her image. We also did an exercise on mixed tenses. Homework: do exercise 1 on page 5.

Practice makes perfect (Järvenpää) - third meeting

Today we discussed the royal family and read about the Queen mother (chapter 6). We also did some tense exercises. Homework: do the handout about relatives and the other handout about tenses (imperfekti/perfekti).

Thursday 17 January 2013

Improve your English - first meeting

We started our first meeting by discussing our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. We also talked about the global warming and revised future tenses. Special thanks for Nina for doing a music task for us. Homework: do the future tense handout. If you need the handout, please email me.

Practice makes perfect (Kerava) - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. We also talked about clothes and read a text about shopping for clothes (5 Shop till you drop). Homework: do exercises 7 and 8 on page 86. Read the verbs be-bite in the verb list.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - second meeting

Tänään jatkoimme imperfektin (mennyt aika) opiskelemista. Opimme kertomaan mitä teimme aikaisemmin ja mitä emme tehneet. Kirjasta teimme sivut 58-62. Homework: teht. 9, s. 63 ja imperfektimoniste. Jos haluat tunnilla jaetut imperfektimonisteet, laita minulle sähköpostia.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) -second meeting

Our new topic today was Home sweet home (steps 3) and we listened to some people telling about their homes. We also did a preposition exercise. Homework: read the text (exercise 6) on page 45 and do the exercise 7 on page 46.

Translate the sentences into English:
1. Asun uudessa rivitalossa lähiössä, mutta viisi vuotta sitten asuin kerrostalohuoneistossa kaupungin keskustassa. 
2. Ystäväni asuu vanhassa omakotitalossa maaseudulla. Minäkin haluaisin asua maaseudulla, koska siellä on niin rauhallista.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

New Headway Intermediate - second meeting

One of our topics today was space and we learnt something about space travel. We also did some preposition exercises. Homework: do the preposition handout and read the text "Life in 2060" on page 42 and 43 and do exercises 3,4 and 5.

Englanti 5 (steps 3) - second meeting

Today we talked about outdoor activities (step 9) and did some listening exercises on outdoor hobbies.

Homework: Translate the sentences into English
1. Kesällä juoksen paljon, mutta talvella käyn hiihtämässä.
2. Kokeilin laitesukellusta Thaimaassa viime talvena. Se oli mahtavaa.
3. Olen kokeillut rullaluistelua, mutta se oli liian vaikeaa minulle.
4. Haluaisin kokeilla riippuliitoa, mutta pelkään korkeita paikkoja.

Monday 14 January 2013

Upper English intermediate - second meeting

We continued discussing impressions. We talked about the most memorable images we have had and the first impressions when you meet someone for the first time. We also did a grammar exercise on tenses. Homework: Read the text about Madonna on page 9 and do the exercises 2, 3 and 4 on page 7 (handout).

Practice makes perfect (Järvenpää) - second meeting

We read the text about shopping for clothes (5 Around the shops) and  discussed clothes. We also did a pronunciation exercise on different s-sounds. Homework: Read the text about the Queen mother on page 92-93 and answer the questions (handout) and do the grammar handout. If you don't have the handouts, please email me.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Steps 2 (Mäntsälä) - first meeting

Tänään oli kevään ensimmäinen englannin tunti ja opimme uusia talvisanoja. Kertasimme myös kysymyslausetta. Kevään aikana opimme kertomaan menneistä asioista. Tänään aloitimme olla-verbin menneillä muodoilla was ja were. Homework: s. 58, teht 2. Kirjoita itsestäsi lauseita käyttäen laatikon paikkoja ja aikajanan ajanjaksoja, esim. I was abroad last summer.

Steps 3 (Mäntsälä) - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. We also did some exercises on be and have verbs. Homework: do exercises 20 and 21 on page 37.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

New Headway Intermediate (perus) - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. One of our topics was our changing world and we discussed what will happen to our planet. We also did some preposition exercises.  Homework: Do the preposition handout. If you don't have the handout, please email me.

Englanti 5 (Steps 3) - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. One of our other topics was happiness and we listened to the text about happiness on page 148. We also did some grammar exercises on have and be -verbs. Homework. Read the text about happiness again on page 148 and answer the question.

Homework: Sentences to translate:

1.  Olin Oxfordissa ensimmäistä kertaa viime kesänä, mutta olen ollut Englannissa kolme kertaa.
2   Minulla on hyvä ystävä. Olemme olleet ystäviä monta vuotta.
3.  Oliko sinulla lemmikkiä, kun olit lapsi?
4.  Minulla on aina ollut koira, mutta uusi poikaystäväni on allerginen koirille.

Monday 7 January 2013

Upper English Intermediate - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. We also started our new topic Impressions with some famous events in our recent history. Homework: do the handout about tenses. If you don't have the handout, please email me.

Our new book is New Inside Out upper intermediate student's book, (Macmillan)

You can order your course book:  (delivery time 3-5 working days)

Practice makes perfect (Järvenpää) - first meeting

Today was our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our highlights in 2012 and our plans for 2013. One of our students gave an interesting presentation about his trip to Cap Verde. Thank you. Homework: do exercises 7 and 8 on page 86.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Järvenpään opiston kevätesitteessä virhe koskien Upper English Intermediate -kurssia

Huomasin juuri, että opiston kevätesitteessä on Upper English Intermediate-kurssi jostain syystä vilahtanut väärälle päivälle (ti). Oikea päivä on tietysti ma klo 19.30 ja paikkana Yhteiskoulu kuten syksylläkin.

Tiistaina jatkuu ihan normaalisti New Headway Intermediate -peruskurssi Lukiolla kuten syksylläkin.

Toivottavasti tämä ei ole aiheuttanut hirveästi sekaannusta.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

How do you say 2013?

- twenty thirteen  (this is the easiest way and common in spoken English)
- two thousand (and) thirteen (this is more formal and common in written English)